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Jeremy Padawer close friend of the team on Twitter: Here’s

my take on $OMI ⭕️.

1. Am I disappointed that there isn’t a clear path to utility?

2. Am I concerned in changes proposed to reserve wallet and buybacks?

3. Do I believe in their leadership?

4. Have I sold a single OMI?

5. Why not?
See 3


4 ответов

17 просмотров
J⭕️J⭕️- Автор вопроса

Hé is concerned and dissappointed. 👀

If the biggest bull of all Mr. Padawer is disappointed with the lethargy of the team then there is something wrong with Dan. You can believe in the team, but at the same time they can continue to over promise and underdeliver. In time #3 May also turn negative. Let’s hope some things changes soon

J⭕️J⭕️- Автор вопроса
If the biggest bull of all Mr. Padawer is disappoi...

I hope Ecomi wil work hard to make us happy again. There alot of things need to be changes

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