209 похожих чатов

When omi on coinbase or more exchanges? Doesn't seem like

any major updates have happened. All we get our drops. Where is MLT? It was supposed to be released 4 months ago. Why all these delays? The community is frustrated and it's becoming hard to keep believing in this project. We need a final major announcement other than "soon"

3 ответов

4 просмотра

We can't pre announce on listings. It will be shared when there's any.

Carl- Автор вопроса
Essa AmaZix
We can't pre announce on listings. It will be shar...

With all due respect, you guys always pre announce things and don't deliver. This is not fud. I have my hard earned money in this project and sick of no major updates

With all due respect, you guys always pre announc...

We understand your sentiments Carl, the team updates the community during AMA. We announce when there would be delays.

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