210 похожих чатов

12 hours have passed and the qredo coins didn’t come,


18 ответов

20 просмотров

The day just started Wait for distribution

Рома-Коржов Автор вопроса
J Pretty
The day just started Wait for distribution

What distribution? From whom I asked, everyone got it at once. According to the rules of drop within 12 hours. 12 hours have passed, is it a delay or will there be no payment?

Рома Коржов
What distribution? From whom I asked, everyone got...

At least workers will have to resume work before an action will take place. Distribution will be done today, so relax

Рома Коржов

Рома Коржов (0) has increased reputation of Angelina (29)

Ruly - Huobi Global CM | WILL NOT DM YOU FIRST
you're welcome my friend

Sir i didn't get my qredo token . Whej will i receive ??

Рома-Коржов Автор вопроса
Ruly - Huobi Global CM | WILL NOT DM YOU FIRST
sorry for the delay, it'll be distributed within t...

Is it specifically distributed by qredo so as not to drain the coin? Do they send partially for a certain number of users?

Рома-Коржов Автор вопроса
Sachin Dore
Qrdeo price still goes down

Always do research QRDO is a top notch project

Are you from India? That's the reason you are worried about free money😅😅😅😅

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