209 похожих чатов

Anyone from Germany know this. If you hodl ubt /

or any other crypto for atleast 12 months your crypto is 100% tax free. How does this work if you stake UBT ? ( You pay only income taxes on staking rewards someone told me If you buy and stake your ubt the 12 months 100% tax free does not count and you need to hodl for 10 years. Anyone from Germany knows how this works. Thanxs

15 ответов

15 просмотров

Why don't you ask a German tax professional for advice on how crypto is taxed in Germany 👍

10 years

10 years

You definitely accurate

Yes 10 years is correct

Umbrella-Corporation Автор вопроса
Umbrella-Corporation Автор вопроса
Yes 10 years is correct

Yeez time to move to Dubai at that time. I thought Germany was crypto friendly not anymore ' if you stake ' 😅

You still have to pay tax your win if you lived half the year in germany while you bought your crypto

Ihsan K.
You still have to pay tax your win if you lived ha...

Paying Taxes - sounds like a rich person problem

id gladly give up staking to have 0 taxes, i think its important to keep perspective, youre in one of the top 5% best tax situations in the world

Umbrella-Corporation Автор вопроса
id gladly give up staking to have 0 taxes, i think...

I just found a video where only your staking rewards are tax free after 10 years. Your initial investment what is sitting on a wallet still stay tax free after one year.

Umbrella Corporation
I just found a video where only your staking rewar...

sure but take the USA for example, im charged 24% tax on all long term capital gains and staking is subject to short term capital gains if taken before 1 year and with a cost basis of 0,

Umbrella-Corporation Автор вопроса
sure but take the USA for example, im charged 24% ...

Portugal the best in Europe and Dubai offcourse

Umbrella Corporation
Portugal the best in Europe and Dubai offcourse

yeah but germany is easily top 10, is all im saying

Umbrella-Corporation Автор вопроса
yeah but germany is easily top 10, is all im sayin...

Okay 👍ah well we will see what the future brings about tax 😂

Digital Trust
Paying Taxes - sounds like a rich person problem

You mean poor. Because rich people dont pay tax 😂

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