209 похожих чатов

Floor price rare maximun minted 200 now?

4 ответов

5 просмотров

I honestly think that is a good idea, knowing if the rare momo is from generation 1st (xxx/200) or 2nd (xxx/600) from his preview in the marketplace. Maybe it will be possible for you to add that specification in the momo preview (next to the HP?) . I also think the momos collection will also benefits from this adjustment. Honestly keep searching in momo collection one momo by one, to clarify if a momo is first or second generation drove me crazy too and I share the pain of this guy above 🤪.

I honestly think that is a good idea, knowing if t...

There are only a few with 600, so I guess it's not that hard...

彡( ₲ł₳₦ )彡-Gian Автор вопроса
Adrii || Never DM You First
There are only a few with 600, so I guess it's not...

But in the first page of marketplace all the Momo is 600 floor supply

I honestly think that is a good idea, knowing if t...

600 or 200 doesn’t really matter. 200 are just good for whales for their hp bonus, so you can may get more if a whale is your buyer. For all other user it make no difference.

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