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Last time this guy pretending to be the owner of

the channel goes, “ Chris, are you there ?” , I need your help real quick. Send me 5 BNBs , but fast I will send them right back 🤣

4 ответов

9 просмотров

Thats giving an order, like he have lent it to you and demanding his share back 😂


CHRIS | Will not DM first | NFA- Автор вопроса
Thats giving an order, like he have lent it to yo...

Yeah, so I kept telling him “ did you received it ?” For en entire day until he blocked me 😭

CHRIS | Will not DM first | NFA
Yeah, so I kept telling him “ did you received it ...

😂😂if you have sended then might he had received but you didn't 😁

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