209 похожих чатов

Is sending to bitforex and directly withdrawing erc20 omi still

an option?

5 ответов

16 просмотров

Bitforex is allowing deposits/withdrawals/trading of both the old GoChain OMI and the new ERC20 OMI for the time being. This means you will have two separate OMI token addresses to deposit/withdraw, so please pay attention when selecting the wallet/chain you are transacting on More info: https://support.bitforex.com/hc/en-us/articles/4415753245209-ECOMI-OMI-x-Immutable-Migration-Notice

JM- Автор вопроса
Great thanks!

You’re welcome

Chase AmaZix
Bitforex is allowing deposits/withdrawals/trading ...

So I can download the exchange and send my OMI there for swap?

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