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11 просмотров

Are they not to be a host? Which In turn you get rewarded in Holo fuel for?

fzappa (Will never DM YOU FIRST!)

Holo and Holochain Newbie Guide What is Holochain? medium.com/h-o-l-o/509818aa3c88 Holochain Explained youtube.com/watch?v=hyCtYrHJebs What is HoloFuel? Asset-backed, Value-stable Currency youtube.com/watch?v=hn7aWuerBB8 HOT vs. HoloFuel : medium.com/h-o-l-o/6d8b6d3938d6 Best of Holo and Holochain Videos! medium.com/h-o-l-o/best-of-holo-and-holochain-videos-be6740cf63fe Holo: The evolution of cloud computing: medium.com/h-o-l-o/holo-the-evolution-of-cloud-computing-57a0a281b88b Vision: Holo and Holochain youtube.com/watch?v=2FJL3ibnZlY Holo videos: youtube.com/channel/UCSRJRJvkZHk3f1PemqT-R0g/videos Holochain videos: youtube.com/channel/UC9fNJMIQ9mQ4u9oyoVIqtDQ/videos Holochain Technical Articles Holochain: Reinventing Applications: https://medium.com/holochain/holochain-reinventing-applications-d2ac1e4f25ef The Holo vision: Serverless 2.0: https://medium.com/holochain/the-holo-vision-serverless-2-0-c0b294e753ba dApp planning: crypto building blocks: https://medium.com/holochain/dapp-planning-crypto-basics-8bd1073cbe19 Holochain White Paper and the Road to Sheafhood: https://medium.com/the-advancedness-project/holochain-white-paper-and-the-road-to-sheafhood-9d5b159ee074

fzappa (Will never DM YOU FIRST!)- Автор вопроса
Elton Rodriguez
Are they not to be a host? Which In turn you get r...

Please, if you haven't done this before you better start reading a little at this point. I honestly can't explain everything from the start. Not to a person who has purchased 5 HoloPorts. Sorry but you have to put some effort into yourself. I hope you understand my point of view. 😅

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