💰 0.01519
USDN: 💵 0.01465
WAVES: 🔷 0.00001
Rewards per 💎 gNSBT since NEP-102 activated
Total: 💰 0.61628
USDN: 💵 0.61483
WAVES: 🔷 0.00003
Total Swaps: 1086
Total gNSBT unique stakers: 1296
Total gNSBT stake invokes: 2446
Total NSBT returned: 💎 2,074.88
Max Supply: 💎 2,835,679
Total Supply: 💎 2,525,769 | 89.1%
Available to Mint: 💎 309,910 | 10.9%
Total gNSBT: 💎 2,000,399 | 79.2%
Old Staked: 💎 98,484 | 3.9%
ERC-20: 💎 13,397 | 0.5%
CEXes: 💎 8,545 | 0.3%
Swop.fi: 💎 5,990 | 0.2%
Puzzle: 💎 4,822 | 0.2%
Total sNSBT: 💠 21,570 | 1.1% of gNSBT
Moon Factor: 83.72
Static coefficient a: 3
Smoothing coefficient b: 0.3
Coefficient K: 647.93
SC Price: 💵 54,246.0 | 🔷 1,043.4
WE: 💵 48.60 | 🔷 0.97
Swop.fi: 💵 49.13 | 8.47 SWOP
Puzzle Defi Pool: 💵 49.71 | 🔷 0.95
Market Cap: 💵 122,752,374
Fully Diluted MC: 💵 137,814,025
I’m missing 395k NSBT in this overview, are these on Waves Exchange?
Nice Idea, let me see if I can add liqudity from we order book
Done, FYI @shizzle135
Thanks👍 still seem to be missing some NSBT somewhere though
Probably missing part is on hodlers wallets
Ok, I guess, maybe add a hodlers section😄 to have the 100%
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