209 похожих чатов

Data from token tracker - what's the changes to the

tokenomics, max supply, and token allocation breakup?

Reserve Wallet

ETH L1: 232,343,760,908

IMX L2:4,813,003,923


Vault Wallet

ETH L1:60,246,054,453

IMX L2:3,027,013,474


Token Burns*


ETH L1:10,574,920,694

IMX L2:1,475,746,715


4 ответов

12 просмотров

You may refer to this tweet https://twitter.com/ecomi_/status/1507082581547765785

Essa AmaZix
You may refer to this tweet https://twitter.com/ec...

Circulating Supply 265,633,484,772 Total Supply 313,176,734,305 Max Supply 750,000,000,000 from that data coingecko it mean 1. already burn 437B its that right? 2. it 48B still not in circulating, when that it will at circulating, it any date? thanks

Circulating Supply 265,633,484,772 Total Supply ...

Hello there, you may refer to this article for more information on token supply: https://medium.com/ecomi/veve-token-system-and-omi-utility-80a915b514eb

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