209 похожих чатов

After setting up a sensecap hotspot and is synching. Do

i need to do anything else with ports ?

9 ответов

22 просмотра

You might need to forward a port if it says relayed on the explorer web page. Port 44158 is the one. Plenty of answers in this chat about it. The sensecap dashboard is helpful too, register with an email address, type in the long numbers and you will have all sorts of info at your fingertips.

Chris- Автор вопроса
You might need to forward a port if it says relaye...

Mine is syncing and earning rewards alreadh 6 hours later. Without doing that. Is it necesary or not?

Mine is syncing and earning rewards alreadh 6 hour...

If you log in to the console you can active turbo sync. Just go to a web browser while connected to the same network and enter the miners up address which is probably something like 192.168.1.?

Mine is syncing and earning rewards alreadh 6 hour...

You will get optimal performance if you can get rid of the relayed message. It will probably function in relayed mode but might as well do everything to improve earnings.

Chris- Автор вопроса
You will get optimal performance if you can get ri...

Not getting a relayed message at the moment

Dapper Damon
Can you post a link to this?

If you search 44158 in this telegram chat there are thousands of comments on it. What part are you stick on, between us all on this group we can probably guide you.

Chris- Автор вопроса

Yea bought a very good antenna. That is getting witnesses 25 kilometers away . I dont know how that is possible. Im surprise

Yea bought a very good antenna. That is getting wi...

I have had very good success with the McGill antennas. Been testing multiple brands and these are very high quality. They are well tuned and the VSWR is particularly low. Free postage too which is a bonus.

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