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@Farfaraway hey Rami, I was wondering if it is in

the pipe to develop Uco on dex soon?

We are going in a wrong way in Europe and I don't want to fill a KYC to transfert on my MM.
We can do it on ethnetwork but fees are extreme and it would be very nice to have something on polygon or bsc.
I really wanna get out of buying on kucoin.

6 ответов

11 просмотров

We don't need polygon or bsc we already have our mainnet Uos you can send it on your account but what we need is ledger support that will I hope soon come

Unknow- Автор вопроса
We don't need polygon or bsc we already have our m...

Still there is no dex, so you need to buy through a ramp system that require a KYC if I'm not mistaking. As long as there is no dex on UOS network, is the same as to go through an exchange. Anyway, i think we all agree, let's hope this law will not pass.

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Unknow- Автор вопроса
Rami James
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At least can you say that the team is taking in consideration this problem of regulation and KYC?

That's nonsense they wanna kyc private wallets, they have no right to do that. Anyone know for what reason they wanna do that? They can't just make decisions behind the people's backs. For the fact they even try to do something like that shows what a dictatorship they play in the background.. Isn't EU a democracy? We the ppl should sign petitions to vote against their nonsense. I would personally love to talk with what ever criminal group of money laundering people it is that try push this "law".. If the ppl don't agree with that's bs then they better step the fk back. Who they think they are to try and baby us grown up people? No way in hell imma kyc my private wallet for those criminals to dip their noses in and violate my privacy. Absolute insanity if ppl allow them to do that.. We might as well bend over and let them fuck us in the ass.. To them I say politely, Fk outta here with that bs.. They should mind their dirty business n leave us TF alone..

That's nonsense they wanna kyc private wallets, th...

Am I the only one who is for kyc-ing wallets? I'm going to write an essay on this because I feel like the arguments on privacy are very short-sighted and don't address the second-order consequences of not kyc-ing these wallets.

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