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Just one thought from my side - You announce a

private VIP Investor meeting in regards to the Metapolis launch. The whole community is excited as F and after the meeting there’s no presentation of facts or the outcome even just the facts are allowed to be presented to the public. Thought we have a new marketing team / responsible person acting based on a strategy or marketing plan. Why not using this positive momentum that we all felt / still feeling? I heard about some announcements tomorrow is that correct?

3 ответов

9 просмотров

You do realise that it has not been more than 8-10 hours since event was concluded and it is still night in Miami? Right? If not then you need to think about it and wait for further updates on what happened in event.

Richie-N Автор вопроса

Don’t feel offended, big companies share their infos minutes after some events during nighttime and daytime. But it’s not about arguing, it’s just about they way of communication.

Richie N
Don’t feel offended, big companies share their inf...

They may do but it does not change the fact that any announcement or updates community is waiting, will be shared in due time. Just need to wait for it.

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