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How can a stabale coin like USDN went to

$0.69 and now $0.86 I thought its 1:1 value of US dollar?

3 ответов

14 просмотров

Because of FUD, some people panic and sell at a loss, but USDN is guaranteed by contract and by backing rate also to be worth 1USD, that is why this situation is great opportunity to make quick money via arbitrage

Hey Walter! There was the massive FUD campaign going on around. Now, it is in the process of stabilizing, and I’m sure it will find the balance around 1:1 ratio eventually

It is backed by waves not dollar. You need to swap usdn to waves via a neutrino protocol. But the neutrino protocol was changed a couple of weeks ago so you can swap only the limited amount of crypto in one day. So it is hard to stabilise the ratio with swaps. There were a vote to increase these limits and this change passed. It should be easier for whales to arbitrage but it won't happen in one day.

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