210 похожих чатов

Hi everyone can you please let me know how can

I Stake My matics ?

8 ответов

12 просмотров
Meriç-YILDIRIM Автор вопроса

Thank you Beerus, too many scammers wrote seperately and I had to block. I would be Happy if you can share with me a full manual about staking if you have. Can I unstake anytime and do I need to pay significant fees if matic is over etherium Network ?

Thank you Beerus, too many scammers wrote seperate...


Thank you Beerus, too many scammers wrote seperate...

Careful of scammers that’ll DM as admin or support. No admin or support will DM you first.

whos admin here?

Mahataman Ishateranaja
whos admin here?

Be careful of scammers that’ll DM as admin or support. No admin or support will DM you first Am just a community volunteer at my leisure time👍

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