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There wouldn't be any practical use for it though. The only difference is that the stablecoin is backed by UST instead of 1. USDT, 2. USDC, or 3. 150% of assorted collateral

Thiago-Souza Автор вопроса
Spencer L
There wouldn't be any practical use for it though....

There is if I wish to trade UST/DFI directly without going through an exchange

Thiago-Souza Автор вопроса

But would still be able to buy DFI with UST without going through CEX

Thiago Souza
But would still be able to buy DFI with UST withou...

If you have UST on Luna you cannot exchange that for DFI without using a CEX even if dUST was implemented. It would only allow UST/DFI to *technically* be traded through Cake.

Thiago-Souza Автор вопроса
Thiago Souza
I see. Thanks for clarifying

I see what you meant though, people are already starting to build bridges to DeFiChain so for example someone has built a working bridge to BNB (still very new and being tested for bugs, so it's unusable to us but it -is- working) Once we can get one working bridge it will get easier to build another, and so one day there could be a bridge to Luna so then you can actually swap UST on Luna for DFI on Luna and bridge it back to "regular" DFI.

Thiago-Souza Автор вопроса
Thiago Souza
That would be amazing

Yeah, here is an example of the bridge if you want to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3A1HeQPUW0 I bet someone out there is making bridges from luna to other networks (actually, I just found out there is: https://bridge.terra.money/). So in the future, when the above BNB/DFI bridge is launched with liquidity so you can swap DFI on BNB DEXes, you might be able to find a way to send your UST through the bridge to get UST on BNB, which you swap to DFI on BNB and withdraw back to regular DFI.

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