209 похожих чатов

Looking in the App Store, it appears I have Trust

Wallet version 7.0, which was last updated 1 mo ago, so I'm guessing the Apple update hasn't changed since March 25th? Just hoping for confirmation

6 ответов

6 просмотров

What is your Currently installed Trust Wallet App Version? You can find this under Settings>About. Please paste your currently installed version here in plain text.

Brandon- Автор вопроса
7.0 (610) and I’m on iOS

What is your current iOS Version?

Brandon- Автор вопроса
What is your current iOS Version?

Looks like I have an iOS update to do! Thanks. I was on 15.3.1 but 15.4.1 is available. Darn auto-update didn’t detect it I suppose

Looks like I have an iOS update to do! Thanks. I w...

There have been other reports on iOS auto-update not detecting... once you update iOS, reboot, then check for Trust Wallet updates (just in case), let open your Trust Wallet App and see if you have same issues. Looking forward to your feedback!

Brandon- Автор вопроса

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