209 похожих чатов

Yeah bug reports, testing, etc. How are things coming along?

Will it be ready for launch anytime soon?

1 ответов

8 просмотров

Hey, Currently the scope for bounties only applies to smart contracts Then, the scope will extend to all backend components (incl. Aquarius, Provider, ocean.js, ocean.py; and not Ocean Market) Then, the scope will extend to Ocean Market (including its C2D aspects) Then, the program will continue until no critical bugs have been found for 21 days. If any critical bug is found, the OPF core team will fix the bug, and the 21-day timer restarts. Step 4 — looping until no critical bugs found — is a best practice in the Web3 industry practiced by the Ethereum 2.0, Optimism, Cosmos, Gnosis, and more. (Compare this to the alternative: shipping at a fixed date when there still may be critical bugs.) To set expectations on timing: steps 1–3 will take on the order of 21 days to complete steps 1–3. Step 4 will take at least 21 days, but could be longer depending on the number of critical bugs found.

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