209 похожих чатов

Before increasing of hash power in momo farmer my hashpower

was ~16.900. After increase when momoverse released my hashpower was ~20.700. BUT in all games it remains same 16.900. Im talking with support for about 1 week and they are telling me "momo farmer hashpower is not same in block brawler" ?????????? How is that

8 ответов

17 просмотров
TurboBear- Автор вопроса

@fatboy_mobox @satella1306 @KJ_moboxPh Please someone who can talk with support. Can you explain this to me

Because Momo Farmer have different bonus hash power 🤔

TurboBear- Автор вопроса
So all games left same after increase of hashpower...

The new hash bonuses is not reflective jn games atm so u will only see your old hash

TurboBear- Автор вопроса

Still no info will that bonus be implanted to games ?

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