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Are we witnessing calm before the moon storm?

7 ответов

8 просмотров

Yes, once pls chain goes viral hex will smash eth

No that’s nothing alike the lower one. Moving averages are not the same

Yes but we are confirming our low once again which is good

💎 M a t t-🚀H E X🐂 Автор вопроса
No that’s nothing alike the lower one. Moving aver...

as far as harmonics go, this is pretty damn similar. "nothing alike"🤣🤣🤣🤣. get some glasses bro.

💎 M a t t 🚀H E X🐂
as far as harmonics go, this is pretty damn simila...

Harmonics happen by luck, moving averages flow by real data

💎 M a t t-🚀H E X🐂 Автор вопроса


💎 M a t t 🚀H E X🐂

But hey it’s good I hope yours is right lol

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