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Why is staking percentage so low for GLMR approx? 11%

compared to MOVR

4 ответов

12 просмотров

APR - higher in GLMR than in MOVR APR - depends on total staked value, collator total bonded and collator performance, and the % of share of your vote at the collator. sometimes the collator produces fewer blocks, but this is mostly a random factor

Bradley-Sokolowski Автор вопроса
APR - higher in GLMR than in MOVR APR - depends o...

The apr is considerably higher than movr. Shouldn't there be more stakers in glmr if the apr is higher?

What do you mean mate exactly? When you consider current amount of Glmr staked vs circulating supply we are talking about roughly 55%😅

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