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Can someone tell me if it will be possible to

send short messages with a payment once Evo/Platform is out?

3 ответов

13 просмотров

Such a dapp could be built

Kalon- Автор вопроса
Such a dapp could be built

Im thinking of a use case that we are missing out on. Perhaps this is an idea that could be submitted to the incubator in some way. I mentioned earlier about Jupiter Broadcasting and how the host there is becoming a strong advocate for ”Value for Value" "Boost" Lightning payments that can be done in some podcast apps. @TheDesertLynx said he's tried one out but found Lighting to be a pain, which I can very well believe. So really we should be able to do the same or similar. Perhaps just by forking an existing open source podcast app, such as AntennaPod. Should be as easy for content creators to accept Dash as leaving a username or address in the show notes section where the app could then parse the info for payments. The thing that would need to be done to put it on par with the lightning version, is a way for the payment to include info about what's being listened to and the timestamp, along with short uses comments.

I personally think it is a good idea to be able to attach messages to the payments, can be done pretty easily. We can make them encrypted as well, so only you and the reciever can read it

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