209 похожих чатов

Hey, I want to swap some BNB to some more

HEX, what's the best route to take? Cheers 🙏

9 ответов

13 просмотров
Ken-Obi Автор вопроса

Without any "Admins" calling.. This chjat is poisioned with Scammers.

It depends on where you have BnB. It looks like trust wallet will allow you to swap to Eth and to hex. You can also use Staker app.

Ken-Obi Автор вопроса
Sun Shine
It depends on where you have BnB. It looks like tr...

A human! Nice, thanks for your reply Sunshine ☺️ The BNB is in a Metamask wllt

Best s to connect binance exchange to coin98 wallet then buy eth using bnb and send it to coin98 wallet for free and then use cow swap or matcha xyz to convert it to hex

Ken-Obi Автор вопроса
Sun Shine
It depends on where you have BnB. It looks like tr...

I need to convert my BNB to ETH first though, and since it 2 different chain I'm trying to find a bridge that works. The ones I found has not the option to go to ETH.. :(

Ken Obi
A human! Nice, thanks for your reply Sunshine ☺️ T...

Check if it can directly swap to hex (I doubt it). If not, swap t Eth and then to hex or connect any of 1inch or uniswap and try the swap. It could be BnB-Eth-hex

Ken Obi
I need to convert my BNB to ETH first though, and ...

There’s a bridge that starts with Z. Not fin advice but it seems relatively legit as it’s been around quite some time. Was just looking at it last night. I think it uses a BSC service to operate (“any swap protocol”)

Ken Obi
I need to convert my BNB to ETH first though, and ...

You need to open an account with Crypto.com and convert bnb to fiat an after that by eth that’s the way I do it with less fee

Ken-Obi Автор вопроса
You need to open an account with Crypto.com and co...

Thanks, but i want to use a decentralised way. Is there no DEX bridges?

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