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Administrators, tell me why the badges in the rewards center

are not awarded? I opened 6 boxes and received 6 badges, but they did not come to the rewards center.

6 ответов

11 просмотров

Relax while I check what you are talking about

Steech- Автор вопроса

After collecting the five types of cards, you can then generate a Bunny Box, from which you stand to win Primebox Easter Eggs, Easter badges, point cards, Huobi Earn APY booster coupons and Easter-limited NFTs. At 12:00 (UTC) daily during the event period, all participating users share the prize pool on a pro-rated basis based on the number of new Primebox Easter Eggs earned on the day. There are a total of 7 times of prize pool sharing in the event.

Steech- Автор вопроса

I asked about Easter badges. I get Easter eggs, but the badges never showed up in the Rewards Hub.

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