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Where can I buy Coti bep20 and can I stake

it as bep20?

6 ответов

7 просмотров

0xadbaf88b39d37dc68775ed1541f1bf83a5a45feb you can get it on pancakeswap. You're only able to stake the native coti

Cyberboy- Автор вопроса

The only official place to stake COTI is through the COTI treasury that is available in the COTI viper wallet (which needs KYC and is restricted for some countries - so first check if you can open that wallet). The Viper wallet only supports the native format (which can be purchased on Kucoin or Huobi). To convert ERC20 to the native format you have 2 options: 1/ Use the bridge (https://medium.com/cotinetwork/cotis-cross-chain-bridge-tutorial-ccdc8a1a2469), but you'll pay some ethereum network fees on that so can be costly 2/ sell your COTI for USDT or another asset and send it to Kucoin or Huobi (I would recommend Huobi) and rebuy COTI there. From that exchange you can send it directly to your viper wallet. I think there are some places where you can stake ERC20 version of COTI but not sure where. The BEP20 variant is not used much but you can trade that version on binance and Orion Protocol. You can also swap ERC20 for BEP20 and vice versa on Orion Protocol bridge (but haven't used it myself - https://trade.orionprotocol.io/dashboard/bridge)

The only official place to stake COTI is through t...

Regarding staking you can stake on moonfarm as well. Apy is around 11% which is equivalent to 1x - 120 day lock but there is no lock on moonfarm

We get 23 percent in treasury 4x unlock

Aj V♾️🚀
We get 23 percent in treasury 4x unlock

Sure, but treasury doesn’t help you if you’re in a restricted country. Also some people don’t want to watch price all day and potentially get liquidated

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