209 похожих чатов

Hey serious question. Can you guys explain the real

reason why OA found it necessary to have around 90% of the supply? Not fud real talk

9 ответов

10 просмотров
💎 M a t t-🚀H E X🐂 Автор вопроса

oh yeah. Thanks

Because he is not just a founder but a really good person who cares about his community and we are exceptionally blessed to have a founder like him

💎 M a t t-🚀H E X🐂 Автор вопроса
Because he is not just a founder but a really good...

Agree with your statement but it had literally ZERO to do with my question😂

💎 M a t t 🚀H E X🐂
Agree with your statement but it had literally ZER...

It does have so that people don't sell and drop the price much and so that prices will appriciate that is why Richard heart has 90 percent with him

💎 M a t t-🚀H E X🐂 Автор вопроса
It does have so that people don't sell and drop th...

Nice word salad. Reminds me of that scene from Billy Madison where the moderator tells Billy his answer is wrong😂

To slow down the velocity of money. By reducing the offer, demand can pump harder

To slow down the velocity of money. By reducing th...

HEX weaponized the velocity of money: Thread: https://twitter.com/RichardHeartWin/status/1309575125415727107

HEX weaponized the velocity of money: Thread: https://twitter.com/RichardHeartWin/status/1309575125415727107

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