and assebly dissapeared, can anyone help?
Have you been able to solve this problem? I've updated FireFly to 1.51 an my Shimmer and Assembly have dissapeared as well...
I had the same problem, and i've been finally able to solve It. The key for the solution has been this answer I received in GitHub: "The most likely reason that your SMR and ASMB balance is not displayed is that you can't connect to github. The necessary info is fetched from github. You can check your staking address on You should see your rewards from the first staking period. There will be an alternative way to fetch the info in the next release." Asking other people smarter than me, we have noticed that in my case, the problem was caused by a filter in the "host" file of my Windows. Checking that file, we could see that the acces from my computer to the adress "" was blocked. As soon as I eliminated that filter block of my host file, my ASMB and SMR reappeared in my FireFly. This block could exist not only in the host file of Windows, but also in an adblock that you could have installed, or could even be blocked on a DNS level. Check this things out and tell us if your assets have come back.
No not yet, have you ?
I will check now
Still struggling to find my ASMB and SMR...
Did you fix this problem ?
Did you try ping What was the result?
I can see my shimmer and asmb on How do I put them back into my firefly wallet?
If you have checked that you can access without problems, I have no more ideas, sorry.
What do i do when i visit this website?
ahh I can open this link but still no coins, they disappeared after I updated to latest version. Can I download the old version again?
You still have profiles there?
My shimmer and asmb just disappeared when I updated my firefly
Have you tried changing node settings to manual?
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