209 похожих чатов

@Dartanyan_Eight how is my new username(president of all chimpanzees)?? 😛😂

3 ответов

16 просмотров

Lol all you changed was one word

What if we don’t believe in god

PresidentOfAllMonkeys- Автор вопроса
Garrett H
What if we don’t believe in god

May i never see a single moment of happiness ever till death incase what i am speaking is nothing but pure truth free of all biasness and all prejudices and free of blindfaith and free of any selfishness or self conceit Its based on pure unbaised neutral and fair research and search for truth and is nothing but irrefutable pure truth which no one can falsify U me,we all have a Creator who is The Most Merciful,The Most kind ,The Most Loving ,The Most Generous and The Most forgiving ,The Most Just and loves those who are just ,and He will cause us to die and then bring us to life again He has revealed many scriptures(old testament,new testament,Qur'an,Psalms,scribes) and sent may prophets (e.g prophet Jesus ,prophet Abraham,prophet muhammad ,prophet Jacob etc)and Qur'an is the final one which has been revealed to mankind and is meant till the end of times and till the world ends which others were meant for the specific time period May only evil befall me if there is even the least bit of lie in it- read Qur'an as a novel while being neutral and put it to test and try to refute it and falsify it and compare it with any religious scripture of the world and u will come only to 1 single conclusion that We without doubt have a Creator and Muhammad (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh) ,moses(pbuh) lot( pbuh) were His Messengers Although it's bursting with proofs but the character of prophet pbuh and the way Qur'an is written is more then enough to prove it is from none but from The One who placed Love and mercy in the heart of our parents and it belongs to no particular group of people but each and every human being as it is a message of love to the creation from their Loving,Most generous Creator

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