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Can someone help me understand the yield rates? The USDC

pool says a 23% yield in USDC and a 39% yield in BNT. Does this mean that between the two you get a 62% yield for farming USDC on Bancor? I'm also confused because the $4k in 24h of trading fees on the $25m pool annualizes to just 6% APY, not 23% as is listed for the USDC return. Thanks!

1 ответов

4 просмотра

Hi Charles, Bancor is single-sided, so you are subject to the APR for the TKN you provide, not both. You can provide both, but as separate positions. So if ~23% in the example provided for USDC. Keep in mind that LM rewards are paid in BNT, swap fees in the YKN you provide.

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