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Make Coke great again

he's restoring freedom of speech to stop the silencing of political opponents. this is a good thing.

Augusto Pirlo21
Hate speech is not freedom of speech😐

I don't believe hate speech exists, just assholes and there will always be assholes. Hate speech is a term created by those who wish to curve the speech of others. The term hate is subjective, if I'm Hindu I could think it's hateful you eat beef does that give me the rights to ban you? Of course not. There is no such thing as hate speech It's time for people to grow up and instead of focusing on the bad focus on the good.. If your worried about hurtful comments then you have bigger issues in life that need addressing.

I don't believe hate speech exists, just assholes ...

There is a grey area between hate speech and incitement of violence though. That's a never ending debate. I hate people who eat beef is fine. I will kill people who eat beef? Probably not ok, it can trigger some goof to start doing stupid shit.

There is a grey area between hate speech and incit...

Before "hate speech" was so loosely used as code for "I don't like your opinion" death threats were what they are now, illegal.

I don't believe hate speech exists, just assholes ...

hate speech is simply the expression of hate in words

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