209 похожих чатов

I get it. I would love to know client

count etc. if they were to give a number would that satisfy the questioning? Probably not. Although those are 2 fair questions to ask the team in a nice way. Are you able to provide the quantity of clients utilizing Baseledger without divulging any proprietary information or competitive intel? If there are clients that have come forward saying they are using Baseledger that have not been announced by Unibright, would it be possible to sync up for an announcement if it’s true?

1 ответов

12 просмотров

I agree those would be fair questions to ask. To me Unibright is kind of an unusual hybrid. On one hand, they are a legit professional company well planted in that world, on the other, they are also pure crypto in terms of their products and business model/inception. You have all kind of partners and leaders dropping in to have a casual chat and answering questions on telegram, which is part of what makes crypto so special, the community and energy of it all

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