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Am I on crack? Dosnt anyone else think e hex

is going to tank after phex is out?

13 ответов

6 просмотров

You may be right but I’m long term and will get both so it’s all good with me

Ya_Boi- Автор вопроса
my dm = scam clones will message you 🌌🧠 ⬣
Dips are in the game

But who’s going to use hex on eth with the fees when there’s phex on pulsechain??

No, that line of thought makes sense to me and seems to be what many think..EHEX will still be valuable on Pulsechain however once the bridge is opened, it's not a straightforward call imo.


Staked for 15 years I’m in it to win it

But who’s going to use hex on eth with the fees wh...

The Hex per T-shares go up the less people stake.

But who’s going to use hex on eth with the fees wh...

The thousands of people that are locked in for 15 years.

But who’s going to use hex on eth with the fees wh...

Whales that have billions of HEX locked up. Whales don't care about gas fees, they care about yield. Cheaper eHEX means more T-shares and better yield, so the T-Share arrbritage will get bought up.

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