209 похожих чатов

Hi guys, quick question. After the mainnet launches, if I

bridge eHex over to PulseChain and get wrapped Hex (and eventually trade it for pHex), what will happen with the original eHex on ethereum? Is it gonna be still there?

4 ответов

3 просмотра

When you bridge tokens from one chain to another the original tokens remain locked in the bridge contract until someone bridges back and redeems their wrapped tokens for the original ERC20 on the original chain.

Adamadi-H Автор вопроса
Lou | I Never DM Anyone!
When you bridge tokens from one chain to another t...

Thanks. So in other words, if I trade or sale wrapped Hex, it’s no longer available to claim back on the other side right?

Adamadi H
Thanks. So in other words, if I trade or sale wrap...

It is. By trading your wrapped HEX for pHEX you are transferring ownership of the wrapped HEX you bridged in. Anyone can bridge back the wrapped HEX to claim HEX on Ethereum.

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