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Hi, why dont all 0% validators pay the same?

Some pay up to 43% API and other 0% validators pay 35% API?

Then there's a 20% validators that pays 35.5% API...
Anyone has an explanation for this?

20 ответов

16 просмотров

das hängt von mehreren faktoren ab. es gibt zum beispiel die punkte ausschüttung für alle validatoren. der mit den meistens punkte. bekommt mehr rewards. und die werden dann verteilt. schau hier die reward points. https://reef.subscan.io/validator

D-B Автор вопроса

Thanks 👍 is it worth changing validators regularly chasing higher API's? Or is there a cost to doing so?

Thanks 👍 is it worth changing validators regularl...

its cost only 1,50 Reef fee. but i think u dont need to chose a another validator. because the APY changed every day

D-B Автор вопроса
Thanks 👍 is it worth changing validators regularl...

Switching too frequent from validator is not efficient. Everytime you switch from validator you miss out the complete 24 hours staking rewards.

Switching too frequent from validator is not effic...

Actually no, this is not the case. You can change your nominations every day and you don't lose anything, only the fees you pay for the transaction. But yes, it makes no sense to change your nominations every day.

Jimi Flowers | FlowerStake.io
Actually no, this is not the case. You can change ...

If admin can confirm this. Because in that case you will toggle every day for the highest APY looking at this page: https://reefaq.io/en/staking-calculator If you pick everyday the validator with the highest APY without missing a minute of staking (because of toggling), then you will have much higher APY throughout the year(s) I doubt that you don't lose anything.

If admin can confirm this. Because in that case yo...

You cant do that because the calculator goes with a 1 day delay anyway

If admin can confirm this. Because in that case yo...

You are wrong buddy. You can look for better commission, but APY IS ALWAYS THE SAME, cos APY is given by the staking system, and is same (or almost the same) for every validator. And the calculator is restricted, you cannot perform as many calculations as you like. So, choose the right validator for your reef bag, and change only when you can stay out of the 64 active nominators, change nominations every day makes no sense, as I have told previously.

Jimi Flowers | FlowerStake.io
You are wrong buddy. You can look for better commi...

Changing the validator makes no sense if the reward % is based on previous day. It's not real time. About limitation of the calculator. There is an easy work-around for that. But it doesn't matter, because toggling is useless uf the data is based on previous day.

Changing the validator makes no sense if the rewar...

it's still better than not having a calculator. i also think you can't do better. but i'm not 100% sure

it's still better than not having a calculator. i ...

Yes I like the calculator too. I don't think you can do better. The only thing you can do is collect the % throughout 30 days or 90 days and compare them, so based on that you choose the validator with highest % reward.

Changing the validator makes no sense if the rewar...

It's no possible to get real time data, real-time data does not exists. Calculator data is from previous day because you can only get staking data from previous day. And what is the benefit from get real time data?? You can base your nominations on real-time data, but they will only be effective when the era change is made, and by then the data may have changed. As I said, it doesn't make sense.

Yes I like the calculator too. I don't think you c...

You don't need a calculator for that, go to ReefScan Console and DOYR, validators stats are public 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jimi Flowers | FlowerStake.io
You don't need a calculator for that, go to ReefSc...

It's about the idea. Whether it is already public does not concern me. I haven't switched from validator since I started staking.

Jimi Flowers | FlowerStake.io
You don't need a calculator for that, go to ReefSc...

You could speculate though, on which validator has fewer/more nominations in the following date and pick after that. But yeah, doesn't make sense either. Gamble everyday haha

It's about the idea. Whether it is already public ...

Here's the real issue: getting into a 0% commission validator is VERY difficult (if you could get into one of them you wouldn't need to look for others) and the rest have very high commissions. If validators had fair commissions (less than 20%) people wouldn't bother looking for a new validator to nominate every day and the calculator would not be used more than once a month, or once a week.

Jimi Flowers | FlowerStake.io
Here's the real issue: getting into a 0% commissio...

The only difficulty about that is having a big bag, so it means spending big money to buy that big bag. That is luckily not my issue. I just try to find better ways to get higher daily % rewards. There is no way to do that. Just like Tony mentioned above. It's a gamble when the data is not for the coming 24 hours. I said real time previously but what I actually meant is coming 24 hour. I am good. As long as I stay in top 64 , it's all good to me. Just holding enough fiat for the scenario if REEF price would drop, I will be able to buy and increase my REEF amount to stay in top 64. That's my only goal. Stay in top 64 for the next 2-3 years.

The only difficulty about that is having a big bag...

and what are you going to do if reef retires the 0% commission validators? No one guarantees that they will be there for 2 or 3 years 🤷🏻‍♂️

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