209 похожих чатов

I don't hold any, I'm just asking this means less

return for NBST holders because more rewards are transferred to BR instead right?

6 ответов

4 просмотра

It means nothing, you don't hold any, so you don't know what is duck scroller ;)

shitpostoor (¤, ©️)-reeee Автор вопроса

well im considering buying but want to make sure I understand everything first. This is how you guys explain to new people? It means nothing go away?? lol ok

shitpostoor (¤, ©️)-reeee Автор вопроса
Michael Blacknight
No we're saying buy and never sell or unstake:)

I am asking about understanding how NBST rewards and unstaking works. Stop telling me to buy and never sell holy crap lol

shitpostoor (¤, ©️) reeee
I am asking about understanding how NBST rewards a...

In case of NSBT, you get reward from Waves<->USDN swaps.

shitpostoor (¤, ©️) reeee
I am asking about understanding how NBST rewards a...

More stability (because more waves are locked) adds to the credibility of usdn and thus more usage. This is turn will lead to more usdn being minted and more rewards

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