209 похожих чатов

Can someone tell me where to find the HEX contract

address for the PLS test net please (to add it in mm)? The regular HEX address from the Etherium network doesn't get it done.

3 ответов

11 просмотров

HEX contract address: 0x2b591e99afe9f32eaa6214f7b7629768c40eeb39 8 decimals.

HexPest- Автор вопроса

This address matches a known Ethereum Mainnet token address. Recheck the contract address and network for the token you are trying to add

This address matches a known Ethereum Mainnet toke...

HEX contract address: 0x2b591e99afe9f32eaa6214f7b7629768c40eeb39 8 decimals.

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