210 похожих чатов

Can any /admin answer why I can't withdraw ATOM from

KAVA????? Or are you going to keep fucking ignoring me?!

10 ответов

7 просмотров

Clearly, there is too many people asking questions and we are trying to best to help everyone.


Cameron | Kava (I will never DM first)
Clearly, there is too many people asking questions...

understood, but Ive been asking this question for the last 4 hours and been completely ignored here.... I am attempting to withdraw ATOM from KAVA, which previously showed under "balances" and I see the tokens are in this other address (that isn't mine) but the balance on KAVA now shows 0 assets.

Evan (NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE-I won't DM you First)
understood, but Ive been asking this question for ...

What’s wrong with a four hour response time? Most Ltd companies take 5 days to respond

Benjamin Hustlings
What’s wrong with a four hour response time? Most ...

Nothing wrong with it— but being a professional involves “hey we’re busy, we will put you in the queue but please be patient” NOT waiting until someone gets angry publicly!!!

Benjamin Hustlings
What’s wrong with a four hour response time? Most ...

most LTD companies that survive understand this basic step of customer service. Think about it man.

How do they know you’re even on-chain and not Spam?

Benjamin Hustlings
How do they know you’re even on-chain and not Spam...

because mintscan. Are you an admin or developer for this project or do you just want to try to make this more difficult for people? Let me know.

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