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Ho guys, i read a few days ago that GLMR

can be used on Acala and ACA/aUSD on moonbeam.
1. Is there a place to lend GLMR on Acala? I heard we should be able to mint aUSD with Glimmer as collateral. Does anyone know when?
2. I can get aUSD and ACA to Moonbeam through XCM. What can I Do with those assets if there is no lending yet on Moonbeam?

2 ответов

9 просмотров
Waroon- Автор вопроса

Ok first Point is answered in the pinned mesages

you must make the deposit from acala to moonbeam via xcm and yes, you have to wait for the protocols to add those assets to their dapps , wait for announcements from their 🙌

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