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I have pools in zilliqa blockchain and in zil there

is a website zilstream.io that helps you manage your liquidity pools by putting them all in one page + tracking daily rewards etc. can we find something like this in the polygon space ?

8 ответов

10 просмотров

Literally every other DEX does that... zilstream aint that special

Jacob-Moralea Автор вопроса
Literally every other DEX does that... zilstream a...

in polygon space, is there a website that can help me for that ? because in my avalanche pools there isnt or i couldnt find any

Jacob Moralea
in polygon space, is there a website that can help...

I just told you, any DEX will list all your pools in one page

it is not what you are looking for but it can help you, https://tin.network/en/dashboard

Jacob-Moralea Автор вопроса
I just told you, any DEX will list all your pools ...

for quickswap, it will be in the charts section correct ?

Jacob-Moralea Автор вопроса
it is not what you are looking for but it can help...

it is good, thank you for that but that is not what i am looking for. thank you though

Jacob-Moralea Автор вопроса
I believe it'll be in the "pools" section

alright, again thank you for your swift responses. ❤️👍

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