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Hi Farid, Is there any percentage of OGV airdrop?

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18 просмотров

AMA - Future of Origin: OGV Token Answering the questions: Josh Fraser - Origin's protocol cofounder Q: Josh, as the author of the OGV proposal, can you please explain what led you and the team to realize that launching a token for OUSD was the best way forward? Josh: Origin has two flagship products, Origin Dollar and Origin Story. Both have found product-market fit and are doing extraordinarily well. We believe they both deserve to have their tokens with clear value accrual mechanisms that are clear and easy to articulate. What we proposed was for the creation of OGV, a dedicated governance token for Origin Dollar via a veOGV mechanism (similar to Curve) that distributes economic and voting power to those most committed to the long-term success of the protocol. veOGV stakers will be able to set protocol fees as a percentage of yield, determine asset allocation, propose new strategies, etc. While the exact details need to be ironed out, the core team is aligned that this proposed strategy is in the best interests of all OGN holders as we seek 10x and 100x user growth across both products. With each step forward, we will be conscious to take in community feedback to maximize token value. Q: Can you please explain some of the challenges facing OGN's current token model and why you think having two unique governance tokens is ultimately better? Josh: Our recent liquidity mining campaign on Curve/Convex was a good reminder of the power of incentives to drive the adoption of Origin Dollar. It has become increasingly clear a native token for OUSD will allow us to offer more generous rewards and increase our growth rate. Ultimately, we want to see the circulating supply of OUSD measured in the billions of dollars. Despite the tremendous customer traction, global press mentions, and maturation of our products, the price of OGN has struggled since our ATH price in April of last year. Besides the obvious impact of bearish macro trends in the last few months, we also attribute OGN’s lackluster performance to the confusing narrative from having OGN represent two completely separate products that appeal to very different audiences. OGN holders are clamoring for clearer utility, value accrual, and updated tokenomics for both projects. It’s been a struggle to implement proper DeFi token utility while being mindful of OGN's role as the value accrual and utility token for Origin Story. As a result, we have a token that is used for both products but is failing to do a good job at either. In this case, the sum of the parts has been less than the individual parts. It is time to give both protocols the best chance of being top performers in the rest of 2022 and beyond. Q: Another question we're frequently asked is how the new OGV tokens will be distributed. A good portion of the community is staking their OGN tokens for the long term, while others are holding their tokens on centralized exchanges. Can you tell us more about what OGN holders can expect throughout this process? Josh: OGV will be claimable by OGN holders on a 1:1 basis via a Merkle-distributor contract very similar to how Uniswap distributed UNI. Basically, you'll go to a custom DApp, connect your wallet, and click a claim button. So if you have 50 OGN, you’ll be able to claim 50 OGV, and so on. Of course, we'll be sure to include OGN holders who are currently staking OGN. We are also in the process of working with centralized exchanges to make sure their OGN holders also receive OGV. Q: What will happen to OGN token holders who are unaware of the new token and don't claim it immediately? How long will the distribution period of OGV last? Josh: Good question. I’m actually not sure, but something between 3 months and a year seems likely. Q: What can you tell us about your plans to work with exchanges? Can you share any potential plans about getting OGV listed on major exchanges?

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