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@NoahErgo since you're here and answering, which I appreciate. What's

your/ergo's elevator pitch as to why Ergo is/should be relevant?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

Well personally I have decided to make actual efforts to help ergo get better visibility. The community is decentralized so if you wish to see change i recommend doing something about it. And i dont mean that in a snide way, i think that is sincerely best path forward. So I have been contributing to sigmaverse, running the sigmaverse twitter trying to bring visibility to smaller projects on ergo and hilighting things going on in the ecosystem

No compromises on decentralization, fairness, or open source code. Made for average people, it has low fees and low tech requirements. Plus the smart contracts are as secure and expressive as anything out rn.

Bitcoin 2.0. People don't like to use that argument because of Bitcoin maxis. But, the bottom line is Bitcoin was v1. Iterating on software is standard for software development.

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