209 похожих чатов

Hey coti fam, i have one doubt We have 400 to

800 percent collateral in reserve right?

To mint 1 DJED, we need at least 4 doller shen(shen will be minted from ADA)

So, to mint 1 djed, we need 5 doller worth of ADA to be locked 🔒 right? (assume ada price is constant for now)

Is my assumption is correct?

That means bullish*5 on ADA

2 ответов

7 просмотров
mahendra-bhat Автор вопроса

1doller ADA to mint DJED

mahendra bhat
1doller ADA to mint DJED

I suggest to go through this chat... These guys explained same stuff really well https://t.me/COTInetwork/731623

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