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Does anyone have any questions about Chainlink's economic model?

We just released a blogpost that explains some of the key concepts for understanding Chainlink's larger cryptoeconomic model, including the security impact curve, the future fee opportunity, the staking mechanism, and how dApp fees flow into the system.


5 ответов

6 просмотров

Once the first form of staking is released, will a roadmap be established or will it be reactionary to what develops after the first release?

Josh- Автор вопроса
Don P
Once the first form of staking is released, will a...

Considering we have never released a roadmap, I don't think we will start with any future updates. I could be wrong of course.

Will Chainlink Labs play an active role in advocating for the current state of dApp fee flow once staking is live?

Josh- Автор вопроса
Genghis Jhan
Will Chainlink Labs play an active role in advocat...

Our goal is to improve and. promote the adoption of the Chainlink network. This means increasing dApp usage of Chainlink and ultimately increasing dApp fees.

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