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@Cryptoswithcam any idea how the Luna airdrop for 2.0 will

work for us with LuNa in our kava wallets?

7 ответов

9 просмотров

Terra proposal is not passed yet

From the proposal looks like for the Post-Attack Snapshot you would need to move back to Terra Chain "Assets that may not be included: UST or LUNA bridged off of Terra Users with bridged UST or LUNA who would like to be included in the post-attack snapshot need to bridge back to Terra before the snapshot is taken" "“Pre-attack” snapshot to be taken at at Terra Classic block 7544910 (2022.05.07 23:00:04+08:00) “Post-attack” snapshot to be taken at Terra Classic block 7790000 (2022.05.27 03:59:51+08:00)"

J-C Автор вопроса
CryptoDaz (Darren)
From the proposal looks like for the Post-Attack S...

that’s lame I don’t want to use their shitty wallet

CryptoDaz (Darren)
From the proposal looks like for the Post-Attack S...

So we can't be eligible for pre attack pool with what we have on kava?

So we can't be eligible for pre attack pool with w...

That's how it reads to me, although it's just a proposal at this stage

So I need to bridge my ust to terra? Will that give something when they snapshot?

So I need to bridge my ust to terra? Will that giv...

I'm unclear on what will happen, so better to get information from the Terra side

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