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Hi. What is GLMR max supply or how is the

math of its inflation "algoritmic" ?

2 ответов

7 просмотров

"The purpose of inflation in Moonbeam is to pay for ongoing security needs of the network. The primary security budget items are to pay for a parachain slot on an ongoing basis, and to incentivize collators to provide collation (block production) services to support the Moonbeam network. Of the 5% inflation, 1% goes towards incentivizing collators and 1.5% goes to the parachain bond reserve to accumulate on chain funds to pay for a parachain slot in perpetuity. The remaining 2.5% is for users that stake their GLMR tokens and help power the collator selection process. Fees on Moonbeam related to transactions and smart contract execution are handled in two ways. 80% of the spent fees are burned, which acts as a deflationary force and accrues value to existing GLMR holders based on increased utilization of the network. 20% of the spent fees go to the on chain treasury which can be allocated via onchain governance to projects and initiatives which further adoption and engagement with the network."

Some-Guy Автор вопроса
"The purpose of inflation in Moonbeam is to pay fo...

Thanks dear. What means at the beginning "...of the 5% inflation..."? Of the 5% inflation from the Algorithm? Of the 5% yearly? Of the 5% from where or what?

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