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How many have been burned? That isn’t how Pirate Chain works. Coins aren’t being burned.

Andi- Автор вопроса
7 AgoraNodes
How many have been burned? That isn’t how Pirate C...

Of course someone can send them per accident to a wrong adress?

Of course someone can send them per accident to a ...

That doesn’t mean they get burned. Also would be incredibly difficult to even count the amount of coins that were sent to a wrong or inactive address. If you send to someone else’s address those coins would still be active. You wouldn’t know if the address is active or not only the person who owns/controls it would. You wouldn’t be able to look how much an address since it’s encrypted also. Burning would imply that the coins are being sent to an address to be taken out of circulation/m by way of “burning.”

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