209 похожих чатов

Hex is bleeding where is RH now with his


9 ответов

9 просмотров

buy the dip nfa

Who?me?- Автор вопроса
I did i bough luna

enjoy ur 10% when they fork

I don't get why eveyone is calling for Richard Heart to do something, the code is complete finished if we want it to go up we need to buy don't we??

Free Speech
I don't get why eveyone is calling for Richard Hea...

in the last round of pumping, we got all the moon lambo bois from other deceased shitcoins

Big steppa finally won🥂
I wish it was that simple

People are selling aren't they, causing price to go down, I am pretty simple though, maybe I am missing something

Free Speech
I don't get why eveyone is calling for Richard Hea...

We also need sharks and dolphins to sell else the price goes up and they stop bleeding.

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