210 похожих чатов

Did you use 0x address derived with your preferred native

Kava address?

15 ответов

7 просмотров

Yes, I think I did the steps like you explain on the screenshot, and the tx have successfully proceed but i don't know where the wkavas are. They are no more on metamask. They are somewhere. 🙈

Javier (DON'T!!! DM!!! ME!!!)
Yes, I think I did the steps like you explain on t...

LOL I think you did the right steps. If you want me to look, you can DM me your EVM and KAVA addresses.

will you add usdc and eth into mint and lend soon since the EVM released

will you add usdc and eth into mint and lend soon ...

The bridge is not working yet. But later probably they will

Denis Rublev
I bet he sent wkava

I send the wkavas from metamask to the derived metamask address from kava app. Was that not right? 🙈

Did you get back your wKAVA?

Did you get back your wKAVA?

No friend they are gone. In a trip to the moon. We should unwrapp the wkava before send to native.

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