209 похожих чатов

Is there a way to see how many hex shares

I’ll have at the end of a stake?

6 ответов

10 просмотров

The shares you hold during a stake don’t change. That’s why staking longer is better.

Humble-Farmer Автор вопроса
Andrew 3695555
The shares you hold during a stake don’t change. T...

I mean like when you end stake and add your interest to the total. Is there a way to calculate what the total amount of principle+interest will be the end. I wanna see how much hex I’ll have by the end of my 15 year stake

Humble-Farmer Автор вопроса
Humble Farmer

Humble Farmer (0) has increased reputation of whitewallz (119)

Humble Farmer
I mean like when you end stake and add your intere...

You can’t calculate it exactly because the share rate always increases as does the payout rate. But I believe someone has already pointed you in the direction of the calculator where you can make a prediction.

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