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🗣️ AllianceBlock Native Telegram AMA this Monday With the DEX launch

soon, we’re delighted to invite you to the next AMA here on Telegram with our Co-Founders Rachid Ajaja and Matthijs De Vries who will answer your most burning questions about the launch. 🚀

The launch of the AllianceBlock DEX is one of the biggest milestones in our 2022 roadmap, showcasing our new mathematical model for liquidity that will help to drive DeFi adoption. The #NoMercy community has played a key role in supporting development to date by getting involved in testing.

Got questions? Submit them in advance with the hashtag #WenDEX in the AllianceBlock official channel.

Join us on Monday 30th at 4 PM CET for the live session! 🔥


1 ответов

2 просмотра

The timing is perfect.. can't wait for it 😍😍

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